
The conservation team carries out specialized actions related to the maintenance, monitoring and conservation of the tangible cultural values mainly the immovable heritage composed of archaeological and architectural structures) found within the National Archaeological Park of Machupicchu (PANM).

The main agents that affect the immovable heritage, and that are subject to control and mitigation in this component, are those of natural origin (such as cryptogamic species, mosses, cyanobacteria, geodynamics, etc.) and anthropogenic origin.

In this regard, the team carries out its conservation work taking into account, among other considerations, the regulations of UNESCO:

Debe decir: For further information, please send an e-mail to:

  • (Arql. Piedad Champi Monterroso, Coordinadora de Conservación del PANM)
  • (Arql. Julio Córdova Valer, Coordinador de Conservación del PANM)